- Psych class was cancelled, and I was a lot more upset than the rest of the class (they cheered). I am looking forward to next week though!
- I went to my service site for about fifteen minutes and met everyone. They were all so friendly! I got many hugs upon my introduction. I will be answering to Allison (just like at home, hahah).
- Obz Burger night! My African edition of Wing Night is two for one burgers at Obz Cafe down the street. Gourmet burger and fries for only R 30 ($3.63). I think I have found a new love in life.
- First day of service
- All of their kids are gone this week for break, so I just sat in an office and made many phone calls (over seventy... literally) and did some research for them. Not too thrilling, but necessary.
- There is another volunteer there. Her name is Lisa and she is from Germany. I really like her so far and she also lives right around the corner from us in Observatory! She has been here for ten months and will be here until the end of September.
- All of the people who work there are very friendly. One of the teachers (Afrika) does a secret handshake with me every time I walk past him and it is full of slides and snaps, so I'll let you know when I finally master it!
- Had my Ethics class. The teacher talked at the speed of light to cover all of the material, but we are still talking about background stuff. She went through ways of classifying ethics and different perspectives. We have a couple of articles to read for next class (they are all at least twenty years old, but about why we need morals and how a holistic approach is necessary)
- I went for a nice workout at the track after class with a couple of people. I think that the other people thought I was a little weird when I pulled out some yoga on the field. A lot of people were showing up for the guys' soccer practice and they were keeping a lot of distance from us weirdos.
- We got Kholeka (our RA) to go out with us! And we played some pool, it was a good time.
- Second day at my work site
- Again, not much was going on, but I met more of the employees and some of them are really fun. I ended up chilling with a seven-year-old girl for a half hour while I waited for my ride and she kept shooting me with a billie club.
- Community Development and Theology class: in CD we gave a round robin of our work sites and talked about methods of facilitating participatory development (talking to the community members and facilitating projects that they want). In theology I had to give a presentation with Meghan about the book Dinosaurs, Diamonds, and Democracy; A Short, Short History of South Africa. It was a little nerve-wracking because I was presenting the country's history to the professor of South African history.
- I ended up going to a 'quick' hike up the mountain again with Stuart, Jessica Bukard, and Meribeth. We got so far up and it was so beautiful and we all had blisters and were so proud. And then old men on bikes passed us. And then RUNners passed us.
- It feels great to be within walking distance to such great places. If you're not on the mountain, everything is verrrrryyyyy flat, which has started to kinda get on my nerves (I'm used to my birdnest views, dammit). I have also been feeling a little caged in because everywhere has gates and bars. Our house has a front door that locks, a gate over that, and then a wall with spikes and another gate. Even at my work site, there are gates between different parts of the office that you have to remember to not close too hard or else you'll get locked out. We also have to have someone with us if we go out at night, so it is sometimes hard to get a buddy. It's just different, but I think that I am getting my culture shock in the form of security. Needless to say, I am glad to have some trees and hills close by!
- Olympic opening ceremony! Was anyone else a little thrown off? Highlights: Mr. Bean, corgis, and the queen skydiving. Other than that, we were all a little disappointed. I mean, true, they had China to follow, but I still think that they dropped the ball a bit.
- We walked to the top of the world! Jess, you will be pleased to know that my birk's served me well on this adventure; I was mountain goat-ing all over that hill! I definitely knew I was with future teachers every time I would hear "Shannon, that looks dangerous," "Shannon, I don't like you on that edge," "Shannon, stop running, you're making me nervous!"
- It was such an awe-inspiring experience. Very surreal and peak.
- We didn't make it quite to the very top because the wind was pushing some of our smaller members to treacherous edges. But I am so motivated for round two! Especially since we still need to do the three peak challenge (even though I was sore after not quite one of them!)
- Since we had been singing Climb Every Mountain we had to rent the Sound of Music. I was so beat that I passed out at eleven and then slept until ten thirty this morning! It was rest well needed, though.
- I am thinking about all my Bigfoot family and sending my love!
- We checked out a market earlier today, but it was a little too country club for my test. Wicked good nachos though, and some other great samples.
- Homework and hiking followed. I started my ethics reading at the coffee shop down the street and we sat outside to enjoy the beautiful sun and then I was stolen away from work by Stuart so we could go climb trees and be barefoot.
- Family dinner was tonight. We had scrumptious fajitas! Melikaya (our program director) and his wife joined us, which was nice. We followed by watching Moulin Rouge, which, surprise surprise, everyone in the house loves. We are a rather girly bunch indeed.
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